Digital Innovation on show at Modex 2020

MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA, September 17, 2019: Attracting over 30,000 professionals from every corner of the manufacturing and supply chain world, Modex 2020 is a key date on the calender for anyone in the supply chain and logistics industry. Whether it’s as one of the throng of people attending or as a cutting-edge company exhibiting, seeing the changes in technology that can help to vastly improve efficiencies and productivity is something you simply cannot miss.
The Modex 2020 exhibition tagline is Powered by Possibilities, which fits the ethos that Philadelphia Scientific, the Lean Battery Room Experts™, follow themselves. This year has seen some vast improvements made to the data monitoring and reporting within their flagship product range, iBOS. Intelligent Battery Organizing System or iBOS for short, is the brains in a battery room and Philadelphia Scientific have created a single system that not only maximizes the life of lead-acid batteries, it records the performance data every step of the way. With the introduction of complementary modules such as Charger-Splitter, Battery Tracker, iTAG and the new Ops Display 2.0, battery room operators and managers have access to data and visualization tools that can help to shape the performance of a battery room.
From the very beginning, simplicity has led to the success of the iBOS system. It effectively and effortlessly manages which battery should be taken next during a battery change. The catchphrase “follow the blue light” that shows the correct battery to take, has led to Philadelphia Scientific save countless hours of battery run time since the product was launched in 2001. From the first iBOS system there have been a few evolutions and many improvements to the original design. However, iBOS really began to pull away from the competition with the introduction of battery data monitoring. Today there are over 1000 sites monitored around the world, iBOS is renowned within the industry for providing the kind of data that really matters, and it’s the data, connectivity and visualization that’s the focus for the future of Philadelphia Scientific. However, it’s not just about the hardware, the real magic happens on the web. Philadelphia Scientific have developed an analytics engine that can decipher the data, interpret and display the information needed to make key changes to the running of any supply chain and logistics operation.
From looking through their online portal,, you can tell that Philadelphia Scientific really do make batteries better. The battery performance data is recorded on all levels. User can review how many assets they actually need for their operation, stopping unnecessary purchases or replacements and freeing up capital. Charger-Splitter allows users to half the number of chargers needed on a site, and as a direct result Philadelphia Scientific has helped to save its customers over $1,800,000. Finally, the Battery Tracker and iTAG systems allow the tracking of individual battery data and maintenance task giving complete accountability and ownership across the board. Battery maintenance is no longer guess work as tasks can be scheduled exactly when and where required and, if Philadelphia Scientifics’ huge range of maintenance products are used, the savings on labour can be tenfold.
“Over the next six months running up to Modex 2020 we will be working on some pretty exciting developments that will enhance the iBOS capabilities even more” said Brian Crummy, Director of Sales – North America. “As technology progresses and more and more aspects of businesses and their operations are becoming connected, data is more important than ever. If we can make the data our system records even more useful to our customers, then we could help them save even more both in cost and efficiencies. It’ll be great to talk through those possibilities with everyone who visits our booth at Modex 2020.”
If Philadelphia Scientific are the benchmark that other people should strive to achieve at the exhibition, then Modex 2020 is definitely going to be Powered by Possibilities. With that much buzz and excitement going on in the hall the sparks will definitely be flying.