
A personal analysing data on a computer screen.
A person analysing battery performance data on a computer screen.
Powering the Future: Exploring the Latest Technological Advancements in Industrial Lead-Acid Batteries
A Step Change with Battery Manager at Promat 2023
Maximize your battery room's performance with the latest iBOS Battery Management System
Battery Room
The new Philadelphia Scientific Asia Pacific in Sydney Australia
A forklift truck battery room full of lead acid batteries on charge
A forklift truck battery room full of lead acid batteries on charge

Battery Crisis Averted

The materials handling market is starting to feel the battery shortages facing the automotive industry. There are widespread reports that automotive battery manufacturers are struggling to source key materials, notably cobalt and lithium, while vital electrical components are also in short supply.
A man using a Philadelphia Scientific Battery Watering Gun to water a lead acid battery
A Stealth Barbed valve, part of the Stealth Barbed Watering System by Philadelphia Scientific
A row of lead acid batteries on charge in a warehouse
A row of lead acid batteries on charge in a warehouse

What’s the lifespan of a lead acid battery?

But, nearly half of all flooded lead acid batteries don’t achieve even half of their expected life. Poor management, no monitoring and a lack of both proactive and reactive maintenance can kill a battery in less than 18 months. This can drastically affect the performance of a battery room. However, there are numerous ways to improve and maximize the number of cycles a typical battery will achieve.
mist and vapour showing hydrogen gas
mist and vapour showing hydrogen gas

Hydrogen Fuel Cells - A load of hot air?

the energy efficiency of using a hydrogen fuel cell in a forklift truck isn’t great, in fact it’s really quite poor. The infrastructure required in even getting the fuel cell to the truck is truly inefficient and by the time it gets to the truck, the energy output is 25% as efficient as “traditional” lead-acid batteries.
Forklift truck charging in a warehouse
Forklift truck charging in a warehouse

How much a battery costs per hour? Making the right financial decisions in uncertain times.

With a plethora of choices available on how to store energy, one of the most important factors to consider in uncertainty, is cost. With the sales line having peaks and valleys over the past few months, having a clear understanding of the true cost of purchasing, charging and using batteries is one clear path we can take to make the right decision.
A warehouse full of stock for distibution
Saving space in more ways than one
Saving space in more ways than one

Saving space in more ways than one

There is one aspect of the warehouse directly affected by the increased demands that feature editor Simpson doesn’t mention and that’s the battery room. An increased demand for products means an increase in work time for forklift trucks and the lead-acid batteries that power them.
battery manangemnt system with blue light
Philadelphia Scientific’s success in going green!
Philadelphia Scientific brown building with grass and tress and text in front with company statement
Philadelphia Scientific brown building with grass and tress and text in front with company statement

COVID-19 Update - Limited Opening

Many of our OEM partners provide critical infrastructure equipment to the supply chain. This equipment is crucial to move products such as food, medical, and pharmaceutical supplies and they have requested that we stay open for business.
Philadelphia Scientific brown building surrounded by garden and trees
Philadelphia Scientific brown building surrounded by garden and trees

COVID-19 Urgent Update

As promised, we said we would update you of any significant changes in our business due to COVID-19. At 5pm EST today, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf ordered that all “non-life-sustaining” businesses in our state must close their physical locations today.
Philadelphia Scientific brown building with garden and trees in front of it with tect infornt of it with covid statement
Philadelphia Scientific brown building with garden and trees in front of it with tect infornt of it with covid statement

COVID-19 Company Statement

With the spread of COVID-19, we find ourselves in a time of global uncertainty. Our hearts go out to everyone impacted. We want to share that we are taking proactive steps to protect our employees and customers and continue our operations safely in accordance with State and National guidelines.
 MODEX2020 Update - We'll see you there!
The lead-acid battery, powering modern technologies
The iBOS Charger-Splitter halves the chargers and the cost!
Digital Innovation on show at Modex 2020
Digital Innovation on show at Modex 2020

Digital Innovation on show at Modex 2020

If Philadelphia Scientific are the benchmark that other people should strive to achieve at the exhibition, then Modex 2020 is definitely going to be Powered by Possibilities. With that much buzz and excitement going on in the hall the sparks will definitely be flying.
Going green with QR Codes
The best single point watering system, now with a barbed fit
Introducing the Stealth Barbed Watering System
white water cart with black rectangular monitor for water dionizing
white water cart with black rectangular monitor for water dionizing

Generating pure water on the go!

More often than not, a water supply isn’t in an easy to reach position, which is an expensive or impractical problem to solve, meaning that operators have to go out of their way to water the batteries. The HydroFill Pro solves that.
A Successful Month for Local High School Teams
LogiMat 2019
LogiMat 2019

LogiMat 2019

On the 19th February 2019, intralogistics industry leaders, consumers and innovators converged in Stuttgart, Germany to showcase the latest equipment and systems at LogiMat, the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe.
The Internet of Things
The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

Everything is smart these days; smartphones, smart cars and smart appliances, and these devices are becoming commonplace. Just look around your own home! They’re examples of smart technologies and come under the term ‘the Internet of Things’.
Philadelphia Scientific Welcomes New Hires!
Introducing the Water Buffalo Mobile Water Supply
The Importance of Pure Water
The Importance of Pure Water

The Importance of Pure Water

All lead-acid batteries consist of flat lead plates immersed in a pool of electrolyte. We need to top up the battery regularly as some of this water is lost during the recharge cycle. Keeping the battery topped up will ensure that the plates are not irreparably damaged in the water level dips below the top of the plate. The second step and most important part of this maintenance process is using the correct water.
Philadelphia Scientific Introduces the SmartBlinky Pro
Teach an old battery new tricks with Battery Tracker
Teach an old battery new tricks with Battery Tracker

Teach an old battery new tricks with Battery Tracker

The battery room, the beating heart of a forklift fleet, should probably take a look at its cholesterol levels. In recent years, the performance and market share of electric forklifts has risen in step with battery prices, creating symptoms that prompted many to schedule battery management checkups.
Improve your productivity and profits
Improve your productivity and profits

Improve your productivity and profits

“We have seen battery rooms reduce their battery fleet by 30% when they use the data from the systems that proves they are not running out of batteries,” Vanasse says. “It’s no longer guesswork, which usually errs on the side of having too many batteries.”
What is the one battery room tool you need to right-size your battery fleet?
Half the chargers, half the cost!
Still recording battery changes by hand? There is a better way.
Philadelphia Scientific Introduces their new, improved line of Blinky electrolyte indicators
Philadelphia Scientific introduces the iBOS® Barcode Scanner
Philadelphia Scientific Introduces the iBOS® Lite forklift battery management system.
Philadelphia Scientific Introduces Lean Battery Room Family of Products
Philadelphia Scientific introduces the new and improved HydroCart
Hitting the bull’s eye with the new battery watering gun, the GUN-X.
The World’s Fastest Battery Watering System
Philadelphia Scientific Improves Water Injector Spider System™
Philadelphia Scientific Announces Upgrades to its iBOSWorld™ Web Service
A blue charger mounted water supply in a warehouse
water deionizer system cartridge and wiring wall mounted