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Powering the Future: Exploring the Latest Technological Advancements in Industrial Lead-Acid Batteries
Battery Room
iBOS machine in a warehouse
iBOS machine in a warehouse


Today we will be looking at Battery Management Systems, what they are and how they can help manage your battery room. A battery management system (BMS) can be looked at as the brains of the battery room. It will primarily tell operators which battery is the best one to take next and monitor the whole system.
A row of lead acid batteries on charge in a warehouse
A row of lead acid batteries on charge in a warehouse

What’s the lifespan of a lead acid battery?

But, nearly half of all flooded lead acid batteries don’t achieve even half of their expected life. Poor management, no monitoring and a lack of both proactive and reactive maintenance can kill a battery in less than 18 months. This can drastically affect the performance of a battery room. However, there are numerous ways to improve and maximize the number of cycles a typical battery will achieve.