Philadelphia Scientific Introduces Lean Battery Room Family of Products

The Philadelphia Scientific battery maintenance tools reduce waste, save money and increase productivity throughout the warehouse or DC.
MONTGOMERYVILLE, Pa. – Philadelphia Scientific, a leading international manufacturer of industrial battery components and accessories, has introduced its Lean Battery Room family of battery maintenance products, each designed to reduce waste in the battery room.
According to Harold Vanasse, Philadelphia Scientific’s vice president of sales and marketing, “Six of the eight Lean ‘wastes’ can be found in the battery room. Fortunately, today’s warehouse and DC manager has more tools than ever to implement Lean practices. Not only do all our Lean Battery Room forklift battery management tools increase productivity, improve battery performance and save money in operating and maintenance costs, they also have an excellent ROI. Most of these tools pay for themselves in about a year.”
The products include:
• iBOS® intelligent battery organizing system with Real-Time Monitor™, a forklift battery management system that enables the efficient utilization of a pool of batteries by ensuring proper battery rotation. The iBOS line includes iBOS PRO™ for large fleets and iBOS basic™ for smaller fleets.
• iBOSWorld™ Web Service, which enables management to optimize assets by analyzing battery performance and creating data-rich reports remotely on the Internet.
• Water Injector System™ and Water Injector Spider System™, the world’s fastest battery watering systems, which precisely fill battery cells to the required level in 15 seconds or less.
• Stealth Watering System™, a float-based, single-point watering system that features the industry’s lowest profile, reducing the risk of damage.
• Blinky™, Smart Blinky™ and Smart Blinky Remote™ battery watering monitors, a UL Classified family of monitors featuring blinking LEDs to indicate when the electrolyte level is OK or when water is needed.
• Deionizer, which reduces the high price of buying bottled water for batteries. Each disposable cartridge purifies about 600 gallons of water, eliminating impurities that reduce the life of batteries.
• GUN-X battery watering gun, from the world’s best-selling line of battery watering guns. GUN-X features automatic shut-off, so batteries are filled to exactly the right electrolyte level.
• Battery watering carts, a wide variety of carts including low-flow units designed for the GUN-X and Stealth Watering System and high-flow, pressurized units for the Water Injector System.
“Each of these maintenance tools addresses at least one of six Lean wastes – transportation, inventory, motion, people, waiting and defect,” said Vanasse.
Vanasse has written a white paper, “Lean Thinking Comes to the Industrial Battery Room,”