Microcat - CTL-071

Microcats from Philadelphia Scientific are specially designed catalystic assemblies for industrial VRLA batteries. The catalyst materials in Microcats correct the fundamental deficiency of long-life VRLA battery designs and provide critical improvements in performance and service life. The unique Microcat® design works by consuming free oxygen in the headspace of the cell.
• For all standby power applications
• Easy installation within the battery container
• Capable of neutralizing hydrogen sulfide, stibine, arsine and amines
• Helps prevent thermal runaway
• Reduces cell dry out and gassing
Longer Life - A cell installed with a catalyst will last up to 40% longer.
Improved Cell - A Microcat can lead to significant capacity increases.
Reduced Float Current - A Microcat provides an immediate and observable drop in the float current leading to a reduction in water loss, positive plate corrosion, cell temperature and energy usage and costs.
Increased Profitability - Money which would have been spent on replacing or repairing batteries can be invested more profitably elsewhere.
Recombination rating - 17.1 +/- 5.7 cc/min H2 and O2.
Maximum internal temperature - 93°C.
Body material - Non-hygroscopic, high-impact, high-temperature polymer.
Maximum external temperature - 260°C
Typical positive polarization shift - +30mV
Typical negative polarization shift - -30mV
- Diameter - 14.73 mm
- Height - 18.21mm