Changing batteries on an electric forklift truck can be a confusing, time-consuming process that, when done incorrectly, leads to drastically shortened battery run times and battery life. The bigger the battery room, the more confusing it becomes, and the more expensive the problems become.
Our iBOS system is the most widely used battery management system that eliminates the guesswork and the worry involved with managing your battery room and saves you money while it does it. This enables a Lean approach to managing your battery room. iBOS enables the most cost-effective utilization of your pool of batteries as it ensures proper battery rotation, which is critical to longer battery life and maximum run time.
How it works
The system knows when the chargers finish charging, and a simple screen or pick light automatically tells the operator exactly which charger to get their next battery from. It is like a navigation system for your battery room!

Sentinel: Monitors the charge condition of each battery and can be mounted on any type of conventional or high-frequency charger.
The Controller: The brains of the system that takes data from the Sentinel and informs the iBOS Display of the appropriate sequence of available batteries.
Wireless Display: Extractor mounted touch screen display.
Scrolling Display: Bright scrolling LED sign tells operators which battery is to be selected next.
Shouter: Alerts the operator when the wrong battery has been selected.
iBOSWorld: Internet-based service provides complete data on battery availability and utilisation.
Operations Display 2.0: Real-time view into your battery room from your office.
Features and benefits
Easy to use: The iBOS has a simple read and react system and a large display that tells forklift operators the correct battery to pick next.
Reduces mispicks: The shouter sounds an alarm when the operator takes a battery that is not fully charged; this helps to reduce mispicks.
Real-time monitor: Provides all the information needed to manage the battery pool efficiently.
Longer battery life: Optimized battery life due to batteries being allowed to cool down. This leads to fewer battery purchases each year.
Better battery room visibility: Identifies non-working equipment and problems in the battery room via management reports.
Accurate battery purchases: Helps managers decide if there are too many or too few batteries in the pool.
Fewer and faster battery changes: The iBOS systems save 2 to 5 minutes per change and result in 30 minutes longer battery run time.
Pick your iBOS
Whether your battery room is small, medium, or large, there is an iBOS system that will save you money and minimize the number of batteries you need. The following features matrix can help you determine which system will work best for you: